Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Paying the Bills While Changing Tacks

Opportunity for career advancement is all around you.  I realize some reading this might assume I mean the web and search engines for jobs, but I mean much more than that.  What I'm talking about is that you never know where your next job is going to come from.  While I attribute much of my success and the BREAKS in my career as a combination of working hard and being recognized by people of influence who then secured my next job opportunity, I fully give credit to God for knowing how best to use me with each subsequent career step I took.

Working 101: Plan A and and Plan B
1. Have a Career goal (a professional skill set you want to develop for the long haul) - for me it was public relations.

2. Have a fall back skill set for when the market is lean and you need some change in your pocket (this is the skill set that can pay the bills and give you breathing space to look for your next opportunity) - for me it was administrative assistant and office manager stills.

Keep focused on Who You're Really Working For at the End of the Day

Colossians 3:23-24
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.

My commitment to my work ethic is very much tied to who I am, almost to the point of alienating the people I work for at times.  My mom was industrious, as was my grandmother. What I had a hard time learning, however, was that success is actually defined by your ability to work well with others and bring them along on your journey with a joint goal.  I still struggle sometimes with this but have gotten much better with prayer and the right kind of mentors and models (more on this subject in another post).

A great blog I follow to keep me on the right track when working with others with a focus on meeting my organization's strategic priorities is Leadership Freak.  Check it out.  It is both inspiring and informative.  This is one of the rare blogs that I have a RSS feed to my inbox.  That's how valuable the insights are to me.  Even though the blog is focused on leadership, I find many of the topics discussed are ways which can help me be more strategic in how I work with people that work for me and people for whom I work.

Whatever you decide, be faithful in your prayer life, be focused on the necessity of playing well with others and never lose sight of the fact that you are meant for great things, even if you may not be aware of what those things are right this minute.

Stay the course!  You'll be glad you did.

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